School has started, schedules are being realigned and I am hoping to get my blogging schedule back online. I haven't been slacking off, I have just been posting a lot of my scripture study on Twitter. I recently got back onto Twitter after quite a long absence. I got annoyed with all the spamming, so I quit going there. Recently I started a new account with a spiritual focus, and I am enjoying that a LOT more! There are many Tweeters there who are sharing wonderful, uplifting quotes, scriptures, thoughts, ideas and testimonies! I love it.
This year I am reading through the Book of Mormon, focusing on the attribute of mercy (read here and here) and recently I started posting on Twitter each day about something I have focused on during my scripture reading each day. It has been great!
Here are a few examples:
I am focusing on mercy, but I am also enjoying seeing all the other gems that are on each of the pages of the Book of Mormon! (If you would like a free copy of my favorite book, click HERE!!) In this one, Alma is teaching his son that the only way we can be saved is through Jesus Christ. He tells him to go teach this truth to others, and he then describes to him how to do it. Be bold, but don't force it on anyone. When we teach, it should be because we love those we are teaching! Be up and about it!!
I love the footnotes!! So much knowledge to be had there! Here we understand what Alma meant by "cross yourself". Practice self-mastery. We cannot expect a perfect, sinless Jesus Christ to have carried his cross for us, and it be that easy. We have to be worthy of that incredible gift. We have to share some of the load and show our appreciation for Christ's Atonement by refraining from sin. 3 Nephi 12:30 says: "For it is better that ye should deny yourselves of these things, wherein ye will take up your cross, than that ye should be cast into hell." Matthew 10:38 says: "And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me."
This scripture in Alma 40:26 struck me as I realized that it plainly states that if we do not repent of our sins, we will drink our portion of the bitter cup that Christ drank for us in the Garden of Gethsemane.
These two tweets show the study I have been doing on the attribute of mercy. I especially like that the Plan of Salvation is also referred to as the Plan of Mercy!!
This last tweet is from this morning. There is a LOT going on in the book of Alma. Lots of wars. Many people question why the Lord would have Mormon add so many chapters on war into the Book of Mormon. There was so little room, so why add all that. I have discovered in the last few times through, that the Lord is showing us how to over come evil. AND, it is okay to use stratagem to do it! First of all, the Nephites were prepared because they were in full armor. They sent spies out to see where the enemy was going. They asked the prophet where they should go, and then they followed his counsel. We can fight evil by putting on the whole armor of God, we can pay attention to what we are seeing and hearing on the radio and television, etc., and head it off by turning it off, leaving the theater, putting down the book, magazine, etc.. We can pay attention to the newest trends in technology and shield our children (and ourselves) from the things that will lead them astray. And, we can follow the prophet, which means listening to his counsel, and then FOLLOWING IT! The Nephites, as soon as they heard the word of the Lord from Alma, they acted upon it!
So many marvelous blessings found in the scriptures!!
(You can follow me on Twitter at @LTNehring #scripture study)
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