Where do I start?! I cannot say enough about how much I LOVE scripture journals. I first heard about them from the blog, The Red Headed Hostess. I was enthralled by the idea! I got out a composition notebook and got started right away. This is a photo of my first journal:
I am so grateful that I started keeping a scripture study journal! I have learned and focused to much on the gospel and it has been wonderful! I have studied topics and people and sections of the scriptures that I have always wanted to focus on. I still read the scriptures from front to back each day, but I love being able to let the Spirit reveal wonderful things to me about certain aspects and topics in the scriptures.
I love this quote! It is at the top of the index page in my scripture study journals.
”Last year a church member sent me a suggestion that someone prepare a book containing all General Authority interpretations of all verses in the scriptures. I replied that I thought this was not a good idea…. What we are seeking to accomplish… is not to magnify the standing of the prophets but to elevate the spirituality of our rank and file members. Like Moses, we declare, ‘would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets, and that the Lord would put his spirit upon them!’ (Numbers 11:29). We encourage everyone to study the scriptures prayerfully and seek personal revelation to know the meaning for themselves.” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks, “Scripture Reading and Revelation”, BYU Studies Academy Meeting, January 29, 1993)
When you start a Scripture Study Journal, pick a notebook that you are comfortable with. I like composition notebooks. There are others who swear by Moleskin (this is a link to Simple Inspiration and her list of her supplies - including moleskin journals - but I also like it because it has a video that has Shannon, from The Red Headed Hostess, explaining about how and why she got started doing scripture journals). You can use a 3-ring binder with loose sheets in it....whatever works best for you! That is what is so great about scripture journals! They are entirely your own! I like to create different covers for my journals. This is the cover to my second journal. I made a montage of photos of several of my pages from my first journal.
Start by numbering the pages in your journal. I made an index at the front so I can easily find which studies I have done. As you can see, I have studied a WIDE range of topics!
I have a lot of different supplies that I use. I use scripture marking crayons (I prefer the Sanford plastic marker), ball point pens (my favorite are Pentel RSVP), writing pens (my favorites are ZIG and Figma Micron), colored pencils (I love Prismacolor), Washi tape, double stick tape (use scrapbook/archival quality, not the cheap stuff that will yellow and become unsticky over time), sticky notes, white-out tape, and I do a lot of printing on the computer.
Again, it really depends on what you like and what works best for what you want to accomplish.
Now, dig into the scriptures! Feast on the words of Christ!! (2 Nephi 31:20 and 2 Nephi 32:3) Study a particular prophet or person from the scriptures. I have done several on women in the scriptures, such as Eve, Ruth, Esther, Abish, and Mary Magdelene.
My study on Esther |
My study on Ruth |
My study on Eve |
Study a principle such as faith, obedience, mercy, virtue, prayer, revelation, gifts of the spirit, etc., etc., etc., the list is endless. (I love adding photos to the pages of my study. For example, I am always touched by the angel who comes to strengthen Jesus as He suffered in the Garden of Gethsemene, so I was sure to add the picture of Carl Bloch's painting.)
My study on the Atonement of Jesus Christ |
Study a chapter from the scriptures that you want to understand better. Look at all the footnotes, check other sources (there are all kinds of doctrinal commentaries, reference books, institute manuals, etc., that can add to your study and understanding), find quotes, photos, etc., that go along with what you are studying.
My study of Ephesians 6:11-18 |
My study of 1 Nephi 8 and Lehi's Dream |
Study a concept, idea or attribute that you would like to understand better, or improve upon. I have always struggled with the concept of giving our burdens to God, so I studied it. As I read the scriptures and quotes, I began to understand the concept a little better. Then later, I had an experience where I truly gained an understanding of what Heavenly Father meant when He told us to do that, and so I went back and added pages in with a record of my experience which strengthened my understanding and testimony of that concept.
My study on the concept of giving our burdens to God |
Another interesting concept that was mentioned in another blog I follow, was what do you think Jesus looked like? I talked about it with a friend of mine and we agreed that we don't think Jesus was as "pretty" as many paintings make him out to be. We agreed that people would have been drawn to Him through the Spirit, not the way He looked. I really liked the idea and concept, so I added it to my Scripture Journal.
My study on what the Savior may have looked like |
This is all about what is important to you. What do YOU want to study, know, improve, strengthen your testimony of?
I did an entire study on the Plan of Salvation. I went through each of the parts of the plan and studied each part. It has been a great help in preparing lessons and talks as well.
My illustration of the Plan of Salvation, followed by studies of each of the parts of the Plan |
Very importantly, I always add to my studies WHY this is important. Why does it matter? How does it apply to me? Or, how can I apply it to my life? "For I did liken all scriptures unto us, that it might be for our profit and learning." 2 Nephi 19:23
My study on the Parable of the Ten Virgins, ending with the question of how I can apply the principles in the parable to my life |
I could go on and on, but I should probably stop and let you get started! : )
Jesus taught in parables for a reason. Those who had ears to hear would listen past the nice story that He was telling and begin to understand the deeper meaning and APPLY it to themselves and their lives. I want to be one who HEARS and APPLIES!!
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